AAMP of America will hold its second MECP training and testing day on Sunday, May 17th at its headquarters in Clearwater, FL.
The study session will focus on material covered in both the Advanced and Master level study guides for those who want to become certified in the MECP program. There are only a few spaces left (we are offering limited training by a web-ex session) so please sign up through Eventbrite as soon as possible at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mecp-study-group-tickets-16618744111.
Training session will be held from 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and the testing session will run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Master Installation Technician level is the highest credential offered by MECP and is achieved only by mobile electronics professionals who have at least three years of experience and show the individual initiative, credentials and dedication necessary to earn such a prestigious honor.
The MECP, Mobile Electronics Certified Professionals group, is the only nationally recognized program that certifies car audio installers and salespeople on install techniques and expertise. It’s owned and operated by the Consumer Electronics Association and has certified more than 35,000 installers since its creation in 1991. More than 4,000 installers take the certification exam annually.
AAMP of America currently has 3 staff members that are Master Installation Technician’s; Ernie Hartman, Rick Costello and Tony Tassillo. It hopes to add more after this session.
“With only 275 MECP Master Installation Technicians in the USA, Canada and Mexico, and 27 in the state of Florida, we are proud that three of them are on the AAMP team,” said AAMP CEO David Klatt.
For more information, visit www.aampofamerica.com.