Best Buy said it now refers to its car audio departments as Connected Car, although in-store signage remains for Mobile Electronics.
The company said it also now cross trains salespeople in the smartphone department to help sell connected car equipment.
Smartphone Blue Shirts identify customer needs to determine interest in connected car features such as Bluetooth pairing, music streaming and car tracking, and will introduce customers to an associate in the Connected Car department for more information.
Also, special coupons and fliers for mobile customers are offered at times showing connected car products.
Best Buy has approximately 1,052 stores and employs over 2,000 installers.
The chain also recently announced it will hire only MECP certified installers and it has launched a program to train all of its Geek Squad Autotech installers to be certified under the MECP (Mobile Electronics Certified Professional) program.
I was in the store 2 months ago and the people in the cellular dept. was clueless. I had to get info on the product from my phone. Good luck with the cross training.
Hi there, Wonderful site, where did you come up with the info in this brief summary? Im lucky I found it though, I will be checking back soon to see what other blogs you have.
How true Manville…
As long as they keep screwing up cars my store will always be busy! Hope they continue to.
Navigation, Telematics, Connected Car – More buzz words for a merchant adrift at sea….won’t drive the category, EPS or anything else for that matter.
too bad the installers they hire are mostly the horrible, not wanted, installers. mostly brand new installers.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Funniest thing I have read in a while Manville.
I don’t think all is lost though. A restructuring and a hard look at the choices they have made, and the real reason they are failing and this could be fixed relatively quickly. Only hiring and maintaining MECP certified installers is not the right path, and this is going to be a real thorn in their side. They need a real leader to be the linchpin of their Connected Car business, someone with actual vision and insight.
third time’s the charm.