Apple Makes Wireless CarPlay Official

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Apple finally formally announced wireless CarPlay, which allows users to connect their iPhone to their CarPlay radio without the need to plug their phone into the radio.

Apple’s Craig Federighi said, we’re ‘pulling the cord in future cars so you can get in the car without taking your phone out of your bag or pocket and experience it effortlessly.’

CarPlay will also now support apps directly from the auto makers so you “can control things in your own car.”

Unfortunately, Federighi, speaking at Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s conference Monday, provided no further details, except that wireless CarPlay will be included in iOS 9.  A public Beta of iOS 9 will be available in July.

Wireless CarPlay requires a WiFi connection, rather than Bluetooth, our sources tell us. So it remains to be seen whether the aftermarket will offer a wireless CarPlay ready radio.

Tou our knowledge there are no current aftermarket car radios that support both CarPlay and WiFi.

Certain comments on forums stated that Alpine’s iLX-007 CarPlay radio could support WiFi in the future, but Alpine told us this was not the case.

Parrot’s RNB6 CarPlay/Android Auto ready may support both WiFi and CarPlay, but Parrot has not yet announced a shipping date for the radio.

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