Clarion introduced at CES its first MirrorLink radios and it expanded HDMI inputs to more models.
Its new top of the line navigation deck now also works with Google Voice for Google Search in natural voice commands.
With Google Voice you can ask the radio to “find pizza in my neighborhood” and it will come back with a list of results on the radio screen, allowing you to pick one. Then, through Clarion navigation, you may find directions to the location.
Google Voice is available on a new NX604 navigation radio that also offers Clarion’s cloud link to apps like iHeartRadio, Waze and MotionX that are optimized for the car radio and can be controlled by it. The NX604 DVD/navigation deck also includes HD Radio and is expected to ship in June at a minimum advertised price (MAP) of $999.
Two step down models for 2014 offer both MirrorLink and HDMI. The Clarion NX404 DVD/navigation deck and the VX404 DVD/AV radio can display video from any phone with an HDMI output, including all iPhone 5 models. And both work with MirrorLink ready phones (such as certain models from Samsung, Nokia and Sony) to mirror apps from the phone onto the car radio (and control them via the radio for safety).
The NX404 DVD/navigation model won a CES Innovation award. It has a 6.2 inch WVGA touchscreen display and built-in iGo Primo navigation. It supports Lossless Audio FLAC and HD Video (1080p) on USB. Other features include Android phone control and Bluetooth audio streaming, Pandora control and two rear USB. The deck will ship in January at $699 MAP.
The VX404 is expected to ship in April at $399 MAP.
Also new this year is a model FX504 AV receiver with Clarion’s cloud access to apps (called Smart Access). It ships in May at $499 MAP.
Source: Clarion