Dual Continues Management Shift

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Dual Electronics is continuing to expand and reorganize its management team as the company adds new product categories such as marine AV, GPS and specialist car AV products, it said.

The company began regrouping in January when it hired former Pioneer Electronics mobile electronics president Ed Sachs as president of Dual’s sales division.

Ed Sachs, president of Dual Electronics Sales
Ed Sachs of Dual Electronics

This week the company announced the following changes:

• Jim Matthay has joined Dual as director of national accounts
• Jimmy Chauffe has joined Dual as a key account manager
• Clyde Podraza was appointed VP international sales
• Jamie Walt remains VP sales, central division and specialty markets
• Matthew Gonzalez continues as east regional sales manager and Axxera business development specialist
• Dan Sandon was appointed sales program director

The sales team is still expanding and is expected to be finalized by September.

“We flattened the organization, grew its headquarters-based sales support group, and continue to hire more managers,” said Sachs. “These changes allow us to place more salespeople out in the field, to focus more on serving our growing customer base, and to effectively sell our expanded product assortment,” added Sachs.

Dual said it introduced approximately 61 new SKUs this year, the largest number since the company was established in 2003.

Source: Dual Electronics

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1 Comment

  1. give the product to u r online authorize dealers so they can sell with $1.00 profit!!!
    why u r wasting time and money to bring new guys!!!!!!!

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