200,000 Crashes a Year Caused by Texting

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If you want a few statistics to help show customers the safety behind Bluetooth hands free calling AND the safety in using apps that are controlled by the radio, here they are.

200,000 crashes a year from textingThe National Safety Council reports 1.6 million crashes a year involve cell phone use. And 200,000 of those crashes each year are caused by texting.

Not only that, but motorists are now starting to use apps on the phone while driving.

A recent University of Alabama at Birmingham study found that 10 percent of students said they use apps often, or every time they drive. Another 33 percent of the 93 students surveyed said they sometimes use apps while driving, reported Mobiledia. A third of these kids are using apps while driving!

Ten of the students were actually in a car crash while using apps during the last five years.

You can read more here.

And just another side note; the statistics here are perfect fodder for an awareness campaign for aftermarket radios with Pandora and Bluetooth!

Source: Mobiledia

Photo via Reuters

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1 Comment

  1. This is the reason why I use Parrot bluetooth car kits in my vehicles. I refuse to drive and answer the phone without one (while driving). I learned 6 years ago while talking on the phone, driving and trying to shift gears on a turn. It is nearly impossible. I almost had 5 accidents doing it this way. So I looked for alternative ways and found Parrot. To this day, all of my vehicles use Parrot or I don’t use the phone. PERIOD! Young drivers do it to look cool in front of their friends or for bragging rights. I don’t. Spend a little money on a true installed bluetooth kit and save yourself from hurting yourself and/or others as well as your vehicle.

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