All About Amazon Rumored Phone & Tablet

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It’s now presumed that Amazon will launch a tablet that will let users easily shop from their livingroom couch. And an Amazon smartphone is also rumored by the end of the year, which might let you shop at from Amazon anywhere.  Heck, maybe your car radio will control the app and you’ll shop from the car radio.

Amazon tablet and phone expectedLast week, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos told Consumer Reports to “stay tuned” when he was asked if Amazon will release a tablet.

And Amazon is already moving ahead on producing back end services that would dovetail nicely with the devices. It launched Amazon Appstore for Android in March followed by a Cloud-based music service called Cloud drive.

And Amazon could easily subsidize the cost of the tablet or phone through the profits on the goods it sells you. Plus Amazon has a history of creating unique business models that help it dominate a market. It bundled free wireless service with eReaders, which helped the Kindle skyrocket to iconic status. And now it’s using advertising on the Kindle’s opening screen to drop the price of the unit by $25.

Maybe an ad on your Kindle phone will help keep the cost down.

In March analyst Sarah Rotman Epps said some of these factors put Amazon in the best position to compete with Apple’s iPad.

The tablet may be released at the end of the year say reports, and AndroidandMe says we may see a family of devices for the holidays.

Source: Fierce Wireless, AndroidandMe

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