Late to the party Microsoft, said new tablets running Windows will be seen by Christmas, although it’s unclear whether they will actually be SOLD in time for Christmas.
CEO Steve Ballmer told a London audience “You’ll see new slates with Windows on them. You’ll see them this Christmas,” reported Reuters.
Also, today the site Neowin is reporting the Microsoft will provide more information on its tablet plans on October 11 at a press conference that will focus mainly on Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 strategy.
Hewlett Packard already said in August that it will have a Windows 7 tablet ready for this year.
Ballmer’s talk at the London School of Economics Tuesday seemed to focus more on mobile phones, an area of key importance to the company whose share has fallen by almost half in smartphones to about 5 percent.
“The job right now is we’ve got to get back seriously into the game of phones,” Ballmer said.
Ballmer did not get his maximum bonus for the last fiscal year despite racking up the company’s highest-ever sales, mainly because of missteps on phones and tablets, said Reuters.
“We’ve got to have a comeback against the competition and I think with our new Windows phones we really have a beautiful product,” Ballmer said on Tuesday.