Amazon’s Kindle for Mac

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Amazon continues to expand its Kindle eBookstore’s reach beyond the Kindle eReader, announcing today eReading software for the Mac.

“Kindle for Mac” joins Kindle apps already available for the iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry, PC and soon the iPad. It is a free download at

It appears Amazon and Barnes & Noble are in a race to extend their eBookstores to the most platforms. Barnes & Noble recently announced it’s eBookstore will be available on the iPad and on Samsung eReaders. In case you are keeping score, the Barnes & Noble eBookstore is also available on the the iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry, PC and Mac and on eReaders (some on the way) from Audiovox (RCA), Plastic Logic, iRex and of course, from B&N in the nook.

Source: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Photo: Amazon’s Kindle eReader software is expanding well beyond the Kindle eReader.

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