How much is real time traffic worth to you; an extra $20 per year? That’s what TomTom is betting with its new iPhone GPS app update that now includes a $20 per year option for real time traffic.
Other upgrades have been made to the TomTom app (Version 1.3) just released on the Apple App Store. Users can now access Google local search and get pinch and zoom touch control over map views. TomTom also says its app includes a million more miles of roads than the competition.
The new basic fee for the TomTom turn-by-turn app (without traffic) is $59 for the version with U.S. maps or $69 with maps of the U.S. + Canada. Current TomTom app users can download the update at no charge.
If you choose the traffic option, updates are delivered every three minutes and the user gets an audible plus visual alert of a traffic delay.
Navigon already offers traffic updates as a $24.95 option for lifetime traffic. It now charges $79 for its basic turn-by-turn GPS iPhone app (MobileNavigator North America).
Source: TomTom
TomTom iPhone Traffic is $20/yr
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