Jeep Beach is an Industry Opportunity

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Press Release (UNEDITED): DAYTONA BEACH, FL.  – Produced for more than two decades, Jeep Beach is a very well-attended event, held each year at the end of April. Jeep Beach is a 10-day, citywide event that draws over 250,000 revelers to Daytona Beach from the entire Eastern Region and beyond, even with some international visitors. Jeep Beach is an event of dynamic proportion, catering to affluent enthusiasts. The Mobile Electronics Industry should take notice.

The Main Event on Friday and Saturday, April 25th – 26th hosts more than 200 vendors on display and packs the infield of the Daytona International Speedway with 110,000+ spectators over the two days. Hundreds of vendors sell and can even install their goods in the NASCAR garages. Several Mobile Electronics brands already participate, making impressions to all revelers. The Mobile Electronics Industry should take notice.

JB is a family-friendly event with a plethora of activities that keeps them there all day. Spectators watch participants in their Jeeps traverse an obstacle course climbing “mountains” of dirt built some 20’ high testing their skills. JB also makes a mini obstacle course for kids driving “Power Wheel” Jeeps, perhaps their first driving experience; fun to watch.

As an industry veteran, and the producer of the Spring Break Nationals for 32 years, this is a no-miss opportunity to join the Main Event at a most reasonable rate, said Paul Papadeas. Jeep Beach is a 501 (C3) charitable organization having donated over $4.5 million to date to local and national charities.


For Vendor information contact: [email protected] to apply and reserve booth space.



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