ESCORT Ships New Laser Shifter Kit

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ESCORT New Laser Shifter

ESCORT is shipping a new laser shifter kit that may be added to one of its existing portable radar detectors.  At $1,499, the ZR6 laser shifter kit provides three laser shifters with expansion options for an additional three rear shifters for 360-degree protection.

The ZR6 can be added to an $800 Redline 360c portable detector for a $2,299, a lower cost alternative to a full custom radar system.

“It gives you 90 percent of a fully installed [custom radar/laser] set up,” said ESCORT’s Brady Siebert. He said to retailers,  “If you don’t have the demographics in your market for a $6,000 installed system you can go with this.”

The ZR6’s VX laser shifters protect again all laser guns. The ZR6 is 50 percent smaller than its predecessor and is backwards compatible with many older ESCORT detectors in addition to working with current ESCORT detectors.  It comes with a compact controller.

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