Hybrid Audio Enters Home Audio at CES

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Car audio speaker maker Hybrid Audio Technologies will enter the home audio speaker market at CES in January.


A Randall K designHybrid has teamed with loudspeaker designer Randall K to offer speakers that marry the accurate sound of Hybrid drivers with the unusual art-style cabinet designs of Randall K.


Hybrid has supplied OEM speaker drivers to home audio companies in the past but the new speakers will be its first consumer loudspeakers sold under its own label.


The initial home audio speakers will use materials similar to those in the record-holding competition vehicle of Hybrid CEO Scott Buwalda, including items like un-processed leather and piano black finishes.


Randall K takes a ‘non-commodity’ approach to hifi products working with unusual mediums and designs.


Hybrid says it is the only USA-based high-end speaker brand with offices in the Metro Atlanta-GA area and no off-shore interests.  It calls itself “an organic, debt-free company owned in full by the now ten-time IASCA Expert-Division North American Champion Scott Buwalda.”


The speaker system will be shown in Las Vegas in January in the Hybrid booth, CES, North Hall, #2217.

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