RIM to Address KnowledgeFest

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Research in Motion’s Bob Perry will be a keynote presenter at KnowledgeFest.

You may remember Perry from any of his senior level positions at Sharp, Mitsubishi, LG, Panasonic and Logitech over the years where he helped develop HDTV and then introduce 3D TV.

Perry recently became VP for RIM’s handheld accessories unit. At KnowledgeFest, he’ll speak on BlackBerry solutions in the car, and apps aimed at in-car use. And he’ll talk about distraction free access to conference calling, documents, text messaging and email in the car.

Prior to joining RIM approximately this summer, Perry was an executive VP at Panasonic.

The RIM luncheon keynote will take place on Tuesday, October 12.

Source: CEoutlook

Photo: Bob Perry via gigaOM

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