Free TbT Navi on Win Phone 7?

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Since turn-by-turn navigation is rapidly becoming a free give away on smartphones from Google and Nokia, will Microsoft join the bandwagon with its freshly unveiled Windows Phone 7 OS due in smartphones at the end of this year?
iSuppli analysts say Microsoft won’t embed free turn-by-turn navi but will leave that up to mobile carriers. What Windows Phone 7 does embed is map based directions and local search via the Bing search engine, said iSuppli, reporting from the Microsoft booth at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Spain.
iSuppli warns however, that this is all preliminary information and more GPS details will be revealed in March at a Microsoft software developers’ convention.
Microsoft, as we know, showed off Windows Phone 7 in Barcelona this week, surprising analysts that expected another “lame” version of Windows Mobile 6.5. Instead, the company redesigned the OS from the ground up, embedded Zune and Xbox LIVE in the platform and created a multi-touch user interface with dynamic “live tiles” that show social network and other updates.
Microsoft’s Windows Mobile phones own about a nine percent share of the global smartphone market according to Gartner (via Barclay’s Capital). That put Windows Mobile in a fourth place stance behind Symbian at 45 percent, RIM at 21 percent and the iPhone OS at 17 percent.

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