Navigation Systems Suddenly Die in Lexus

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Lexus navigation fail

On Tuesday, the navigation systems in many Lexus cars stopped working due to a software glitch that was still plaguing owners at the time of this posting.

Lexus owners found their navigation systems and radios failed to boot up past an opening screen.

Lexus tweeted that it is working “around the clock” to fix the problem.

Bloomberg reported that the problem may be the result of a glitch in satellite communication with the navigation systems.  A Lexus spokesman told Bloomberg that the company has not yet decided whether car owners will need to visit their dealerships to fix the problem.

Until now, Lexus had the highest ranking from J.D. Power & Associates in dependability.

Derik Gutowski posted a video on YouTube showing the boot failure; basically an endless loop between two screens.

Some owners on a Lexus forum said the problem may be solved by disconnecting the battery cable for 10 minutes, forcing the radio to manually reset, reported Engadget.

The glitch points out that increasing technology in new cars leave them subject to computer and software malfunctions.   In another story Monday, researches proved they were able to hack the WiFi system in a Mitsubishi Outlander.

Source: Engadget, Bloomberg


Photo: Derik Gutowski

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1 Comment

  1. Wait to we get to having driverless cars on the road…and they get hacked! Time to go “Back to the Future” and start driving Fred Flintstone’s Yabba Dabba Doo car…with a nice boom system installed of course! Enjoy the day my 12Volters!

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